About Us

Welcome to Irish Sea Moss Gel!

We are located in Houston, Texas, where we import our sea moss from the beautiful Caribbean Islands. At Sunshine's Health Food Store & Vegetarian Deli, located at 3102 Old Spanish Trail, Houston, Texas 77054, we prepare our sea moss fresh daily. Our goal for the last 30 years has been to introduce people to a healthier lifestyle. The products we carry, both online and in-store, are items we use for our family.

Sea moss is our most popular product, serving as an introduction to a healthier you!

Remember, anything you take care of will flourish. Detoxing the body is essential—think about it. We clean our cars and homes, but when will you clean out your body? Our most popular cleanser is CKLS by New Body Products. If you need more information about any of our products, please email us or give us a call. And remember, "Every day is a new day to start the New Body!"

You can contact us via email: info@irishseamossgel.com.